Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Crossroads of Decisions

Hey friends!

Have you ever been at a crossroads, like which way should I go or which decision should I make?    Recently a lot of us were at that crossroads when voting for the next President.   Also at the same time, on a more so personal level our home church is going through a similar vote in who should be our next Pastor.

I talk about these two different situations because both are so important and leadership is so very important.  Another thing that is important is decision-making.  This is the fact that before the next leader can make any decisions or even be leader, the people are the ones making the decision to make him/her leader.  Is that not ironic or interesting to you?   Its so interesting to me and also amazing that we "the people" or "the Church" hold that power to make someone the next leader.   Its also very humbling.  Also a bit scary if I might say so.  However, I believe that we need to step up and into our role and be good stewards by praying, fasting, and voting.  I believe that we need to trust and rely on GOD first and foremost and then begin to pray and learn of the qualities and characteristics truly needed in the role we are voting for.

What do you all think?    How have any of you made some important decisions and who did you talk to or how did you decide?

Another important aspect to think of is seeking Godly counsel and advice.  I truly believe to listen to all sides and also seek wisdom and those who have possibly been in your shoes.
Its important to not just make whim decisions but to pray, seek GOD, seek wisdom, and believe that GOD will show you the way to go!



PS  Some great Scriptures to help in this area are:
Proverbs 2:6
Philippians 4:8
Proverbs 3:5-6
Proverbs 11:30

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Dear readers/bloggers,

So as you can tell I can get real busy and not get on here for some time (like about a month or so) and when its summer I am running around enjoying the beauty of it. 

Today I want to talk about trust - its something that is one of the greatest things and yet one of the hardest things to do.    The definition of trust is

firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something  and/or confidence placed in a person by making that person the nominal owner of property to be held or used for the benefit of one or more others.

When we trust at a human level a lot of times that trust is broken, hurt, changed, and even strengthened.  When we trust at a godly level that trust is always upheld yet on Gods end and not always ours.  

I have a personal story of this trust and it has to do with my personal life of being a Nurse.  Now I have the challenges of trust and especially with God because like you know I can be a worrier and yet God has always proven faithful and I learn that when I worry I am not trusting Him.  

Recently I have been struggling with working the Nightshift/3rd shift and I have worked it for 2and1/2 years going on 3 years.   About a couple months ago I was itching to get off of it and started looking for other jobs as well as asking about moving to days.  There were some that looked amazing and like the perfect fit but they just didn't happen and there were others that were also nightshift so I didn't really want to take those.  There was even one that I was offered and was an amazing job however I turned it down.   
I remember during that time the Lord said "remain faithful"  and this showed me that I was to trust Him and remain faithful in where I was/am.  

I did and things were great and then very recently I felt the urge and knew that it was time to get off of nightshift and I have been praying and many others have been praying as well.   I put in the request for dayshift and of course that would take time.    During this time I was anxious, nervous, and getting sort of a cold feet and actually told my manager "Im not sure if I want dayshift."   I couldn't believe I said that when I have truly wanted it.  I will be honest with you and its the fact that there are so many knowns yet unknowns about dayshift and they can even kinda scare me or make me fearful.  I realized in this time that I truly need to trust the GOD of the unknown the GOD of all things and lay my requests before HIM first and cast my anxieties and cares on HIM.  

I went though a little battle in my head physically and spiritually and one Friday my manager called me to see how everything was and she said "Do you have a minute to talk about days?"   Without hesitation I said "YES."    She then said I want to know whats holding you back.   I then preceded to tell her of my fears and reservations.   I threw in this one small detail and she then said "Julie someone is leaving this certain position and I just spoke with her this morning it is not public knowledge but if you want it its yours."   I said YES!   

The whole week and especially the day before that my anxiety was through the roof.   When she said that and I said YES.   I looked to GOD and said I'm sorry for not trusting you.   

I have not gone on dayshift yet and this past week I was told it could be this schedule or the next schedule.  Of course I have gone through the little struggles of is it gonna happen maybe I should start looking somewhere else and apply somewhere else.   I even went on an interview this week.   AGAIN my friends,  ALMIGHTY GOD remained faithful and even when I lacked in my trust or maybe didn't put all my trust in HIM,  he proved again that HE IS GOD!  
A couple days ago the new schedule came out and the line that my name is on said DAYS!  

I know this is a small and simple story but I say all this to say to you that GOD is in the details and the very small/specific things about us.   I also say that HE remains faithful and HE cares.  I also say that even when we try to take things into our own hands and still trust HIM but think that we need to get it done ourselves,  HE PUSHES IN, PARTS THE SEA, CALMS OUR MINDS, and UPHOLDS TRUE TRUST!



Jeremiah 17:7-8

“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord,
whose confidence is in him.
They will be like a tree planted by the water
that sends out its roots by the stream.
It does not fear when heat comes;
its leaves are always green.
It has no worries in a year of drought
and never fails to bear fruit.”

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Thinking while Waiting

Happy Saturday bloggers and readers and lovelies!

WOW - i have not been on here in quite sometime.  That is mainly because its summer and i don't find myself on the computer that often.  Nonetheless, here i am on a rainy Saturday blogging away.

A lot of things have been on my mind lately and lots of thinking lots of praying lots of hoping.  If you don't know me well enough, the beautiful mind that GOD gave me for some reason constantly goes and goes (I said mind not mouth lol) - so it means I think a lot.  However there are times that I tend to think too much.  This can cause me to become anxious, worried about this or that, and ultimately nervous.   I say this because I believe that you my friend might also battle this OVER THINKING as well.   So don't fret "youre not the only one."  

Remember when we were younger and a teacher or leader would say "turn your thinking caps on."  Well it got me thinking today that sometimes we need to "turn our thinking caps off."  That is we need to trust God at His Word and when it says in Philippians 4:6-7

Philippians 4:6-7New King James Version (NKJV)

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

^^^How good is that- REAL GOOD!   Being anxious for nothing is like turning our over-thinking caps off (the worrying/anxious part) and trusting our good God by praying and thanking Him letting Him know what might be troubling us a little but making sure to Thank Him for WHO HE is and what HE does.   AND it doesnt stop there because when we read that next Scripture we see that He promises HIS PEACE (not ours because GOD knows our peace can not compare) and HIS peace goes beyond our understanding and even furthermore it GUARDS our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus!

GUARD:  a person or group of persons that keeps watch protects; a safeguard; to keep safe from harm or danger;  to keep safe
Those are just a couple of definitions of how Gods peace guards not just our hearts but also our overthinking minds too!

SO for this rainy day maybe your watching Hallmark movies (YES!), or maybe youre stressed about work, or maybe your unsure of a relationship, or maybe you are battling something, or maybe you are dreaming, or maybe you are waiting for something/someone.  Whatever it is that you are doing remember that waiting is not a bad season and thinking is not bad either.  Lets just be sure that in the waiting we remember not to think TOO MUCH but be thankful, talk to God about our thoughts, and let HIS PEACE guard us in everything!



Isaiah 40:31   but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Believing IS SEEING

Aloha bloggers!

(No I'm not in Hawaii, but the weather is getting nice so i felt like saying something tropical!)

Wow I have not blogged in a little bit.  I get busy sometimes.  Anyways always so much that the Lord is doing around all of us.   I am always captivated by HIM.  

I could try and think of something that was on my mind/heart a few weeks ago, but I will share what is on it right now.  
I am sitting in Starbucks right now (as I usually am) and this gentlemen walked in, he was shorter and has a limp and he caught my eye. He was talking to the Barista and I listened in -  He was saying he has been in this town for a couple years now and saying how he comes here.  He then was saying they have the best water - so transparent/Crystal clear (or something like that).  I then watched him walk out with a Venti ice water.     Automatically my mind starts going other places and I start to feel for him thinking "I wonder if he doesn't have enough money to get a coffee or some kind of fancy frappucino," and how I could have bought that for him.  I then tear up and actually start crying.  The man across at another table must be like "it must be this girls time of the month."   I start to tear up because my heart feels for this man that has this visible handicap.   Then I go back to my quiet time and start to think of how we are all handicap.  Should I only look at this gentlemen with compassion because his handicap is visible or should I look at everyone for maybe the handicaps that are hidden.   Is it not beautiful that our loving LORD sees all of these handicaps and yet loves us as if there were none.  Isn't it also wonderful that GOD can use our handicaps for HIS GLORY.   

You know that saying "Seeing is Believing," well I also like to say "Believing is Seeing" - because I believe that the more we place our faith and belief in GOD HE opens our eyes to see like HIM and have compassion like HIM.   In our everyday business GOD sees us - he sees the struggle, the hustle, the hurt, the worry, the longing, and even the love. HE is the GOD WHO SEES as it is written in Genesis 16:13.  If GOD can SEE us then how much will HE love to show us HIMSELF in his WORD and in the brokenness of other people.  He even shows us Himself in creation.  Scripture says 

“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.” (Psalm 19:1-4)

“Praise the Lord from the earth, you great sea creatures and all ocean depths, lightning and hail, snow and clouds, stormy winds that do his bidding, you mountains and all hills, fruit trees and all cedars, wild animals and all cattle, small creatures and flying birds.” (Psalm 148:7-10)
“You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.” (Isaiah 55:12)
One amazing place to SEE GOD is at the OCEAN.  Its incredible to sit and listen to the waves and wonder of GODS beauty and awe as HE moves the SEA.

Have a BEAUTIFUL day and don't forget to look for GOD wherever you go

PS. Not only is HE the GOD who SEES,  HE is the GOD who heals, delivers, restores, forgives, rescues, redeems, refreshes, reproves, and revives. Lyrics from Christy Knockels Song "You revive me" say, "Give me eyes to see you in the dark, and Your face shines a glory, that I only know in part"
With all of our seeing - we see in part - because our GOD is mysterious yet HE can always be SEEN!  

Monday, May 16, 2016



So I just wanted to share a little bit about what Pastor John Gray shared yesterday.   He is a great man of GOD and also a very funny preacher.  

He spoke of the scripture in Luke where the woman who was a prostitute("sinning woman") came to Jesus and poured out the most expensive perfume on his feet washed his feet and dried them with her hair out of respect honor and devotion OR  out of WORHSIP.  

Here is the passage so you can read it....

Luke 7:37-40English Standard Version (ESV)

37 And behold, a woman of the city, who was a sinner, when she learned that he was reclining at table in the Pharisee's house, brought an alabaster flask of ointment,38 and standing behind him at his feet, weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears and wiped them with the hair of her head and kissed his feet and anointed them with the ointment. 39 Now when the Pharisee who had invited him saw this, he said to himself, “If this man were a prophet, he would have known who and what sort of woman this is who is touching him, for she is a sinner.” 40 And Jesus answering said to him, “Simon, I have something to say to you.” And he answered, “Say it, Teacher.”

Luke 7:44-50English Standard Version (ESV)

44 Then turning toward the woman he said to Simon, “Do you see this woman? I entered your house; you gave me no water for my feet, but she has wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. 45 You gave me no kiss, but from the time I came in she has not ceased to kiss my feet. 46 You did not anoint my head with oil, but she has anointed my feet with ointment. 47 Therefore I tell you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven—for she loved much. But he who is forgiven little, loves little.”48 And he said to her, “Your sins are forgiven.” 49 Then those who were at table with him began to say among[a] themselves, “Who is this, who even forgives sins?” 50 And he said to the woman, “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.”

John Gray pointed out so many things in the story and here are a few that truly stood out to me
1- The woman NEVER said one word but all she did was position herself at the feet of JESUS and pour out her worship at his feet 
2- How did Simon (a pharisee) know who the woman was (food for thought-you take that and chew on that)  What had Simon been doing- quick to judge her but not expose himself
3- Jesus turns toward the woman but speaks to Simon ---- this is how Jesus works he turns towards the BROKEN but addresses the RELIGIOUS
4- The woman never said one WORD but only WORSHIPED - she came in broken and left forgiven and FREE ---------------------THIS IS TRUE WORSHIP 

We don't have to say anything or have it all together just worship our loving Saviour and HE WILL SET US FREE!

Lovingly Jules

John 4:24  "GOD is SPIRIT and they that worship him must worship in SPIRIT and TRUTH."


Happy Monday Beauties and Cuties!  (ha I just made that one up because I wanted to say like beauties and handsomes but that is what came out ;) )

Anyways seems like I haven't blogged in just a little so here i am again on a Monday sitting at one of my favorite spots with my iced chai!   Coming off of another beautiful weekend due to our beautiful Jesus that makes all things beautiful.   Today I want to share some thoughts and some things I learned or relearned over the weekend. Remember I am just a broken Jesus girl that loves a bountiful Jesus GOD!  He is quite amazing and dare I say quite the catch.   So today I want to talk about WORSHIP!

Well glad you asked because the definition of worship is  "the act of showing respect and love for a god especially by praying with other people who believe in the same god : the act of worshipping God or a god"   and another definition is "extravagant respect or admiration for or devotion to an object of esteem" 

Both of these definitions are found in Merriam-Websters dictionary and both are quite true.  Many of us know worship as honoring respecting and devotion to our Lord and Saviour, however sometimes our worship is also towards other people and even things.  Some of us may worship our jobs, families, cars, money, things, coffee(iced chais!), and many more.  Now I am not saying that its bad to like those things but it is when all of our worship goes towards those people or things that we need to CHECK ourselves and check our WORSHIP.   We can honor and respect those people and things but remember that our utmost devotion is to our Lord and Maker, Saviour and Creator Jesus Christ.   
This week another Youth Leader and myself that help at the youth of our Church are deciding to do a social media fast.  I do these every so once in a while when I find myself too often on Instagram and Snapchat, and also Facebook.  I feel the need to shut it all off and just be free of it and spend time with my main source my main man (Jesus).   Time after time when I do this I find burdens lifted and my eyes/ears more open and my heart changed and my worship repositioned and refocused.   It is so necessary for my mind, my body, and my spirit.  It is these times that I draw closer to Jesus.  
There are other things besides social media that are also great to fast from - for fasting is an act of worship.   

Yesterday was actually WORSHIP SUNDAY at our Church (The Church of the Hills) and it was absolutely incredible - our worship leader spoke of placing our attention on other things and laying those things down and placing our attention on Jesus and believing the LORD for breakthrough.  I believe there were many breakthroughs yesterday and the presence of the LORD filled the place and shifted the atmosphere and He is still shifting the atmosphere.  The glory of the LORD was all around.  

Like many Sundays, I double dipped and went to Church again at Hillsong NYC which is like my second home.  I met with some friends that serve there and they saved me a seat -  I used to not like to ever go in by myself but there are times where the LORD has shown me just go because I will meet you there or its as if HE has me go because I meet someone either at the church or at the Starbucks or the Sephora (yes I love pampering before Church) right around the corner that I end up sharing Jesus with or inviting to Church.   All that to say that John Gray preached there last night and you will never guess what he preached on............................WORSHIP!      YES  I thought the same thing how cool is our GOD and how real is HIS HOLY SPIRIT.   He always ties things together and always reveals HIMSELF especially when we desire to make HIM number one in our lives (even in the midst of our craziness-because we all have it)!   

Lovingly Jules

PS- this is PART I of WORSHIP so please read PART II after this  ...also LOVE YOU!  

Monday, April 25, 2016


Happy Monday Friends!

So today I am at a very pretty little resort type place and just relaxing - its great because this place is only like an hour and a half to hour 45min away from home.    Sometimes its nice to get away for a night or two to recharge relax and refresh!   (Also this place is complimentary - meaning it has great deals and I get these deals with my Mom and her best friend/like my Aunt)!   So I like to come along for the fun and relaxation.  

SO I am just coming off of an awesome weekend filled with Church, birthday parties, and a YOUTH LOCK IN

I am on the Youth Leadership Team at my Church and I love working with young girls and guys...they are JUST AWESOME (some people might shake their heads at that lol) - but I truly believe that they are - its an age that I remember can be crazy at times and its when you really need to be directed toward good things and most importantly godly things.  A place where you need to learn how to turn the light on and walk in the light, which was actually the theme of the LOCK IN!   To get to serve and hang out with these amazing YOUTHS is so fun and actually motivating - to dig in deeper with our GOD and learn more of who HE IS!

OK... SO before I have to close the computer and go to dinner I wanted to talk to you about daydreaming because today I was doing a lot of it --- I daydream a lot about my future hubby!
I am excited for him and I hope that he is doing so amazing right now.  I know that GOD is taking care of him and I and all of our loves and everything in between.   While I daydream i love looking at couples and being like "Oh i hope we are like that" or "Aw I want a man like that"  or "I hope I remember to look HOT for him when we are crazy busy with kids/family and running around"

I know there are so many other girlies out there that think similar things if not the same.  However these things are great because daydreaming is great it keeps the fire burning and our passion growing and glowing.  We need to always do it more and more.   While daydreaming today I saw the sweetest older couple sitting at the pool with their fashionable attire, both wearing cool reading glasses, both with an iPad and iPhone and books (yes books exist thank you JESUS), and the best thing I noticed was that every so often they would go in and out of conversation.  I was like wow they don't just sit there in quiet the whole time.  At different points they would be quiet and do their thing, but it seemed like every other time I looked over they were chatting away like BEST FRIENDS!  I LOVE THAT!
 I thought this is what makes relationships work and keeps them up:  COMMUNICATION and CONSTANT COMMUNICATION or CONSISTENT COMMUNICATION

So lets all chew on that and daydream about these amazing kinds of things and always be in constant communication with our Saviour because he is the ultimate dream maker / dream giver!



PS  let me know what you daydream about and also what do you think about that helps relationships?

Psalm 19:14

Monday, April 11, 2016


So I had just wrote a whole blog and then deleted it somehow!  AHHHHHHH

Well here is what it was in some way I will try to rewrite it.

GIRLS...If you can't tell by now by my blogs or by my PINK background I am a GIRL!
I love being a girl and totally embrace it (well not always).  There are times when I am like urgh this whole monthly thing is CRAZY.  I mean come on can i get an AMEN.
However that is how the good Lord made us and we will embrace it even more.

So today I am thinking about "being a girl" and SISTERHOOD.    I mean MEN are AMAZING, but women are just as INCREDIBLE.   The feminine heart is so rare, so pure, so beautiful.  I have grown up looking up to AWESOME WOMEN (Gloria Copeland, Joyce Meyer, Beth Moore, Bobbie Houston, Priscilla Shirer, Pastors Wife, My Mom, My Sister, etc).   I have a big heart for younger women, yet it is older women that also inspire me.

When a woman opens her mouth, power can come out.  A woman's words are so powerful it can either destroy or uplift.  It goes all the way back to the beginning of scripture with Eve.  It was Eve that was tempted by the enemy and it was Eve that opened her mouth and took a bite of the apple and it was also Eve that opened her mouth and spoke to her husband concerning the matter.  I am the kind of girl that feels bad for Eve because I am sure that Eve was a great woman.  However even Great women can become deceived, torn, and say the wrong things.  Women have the capability to build a mountain or the capability to destroy that very same mountain.  Either way girls there is so much power in our words.  This is why we must bring our hearts, minds, and MOUTHS before the Lord before we go to others and before we speak.

I have seen this firsthand when I have watched great women use their words in the wrong way and also great women use their words in the RIGHT way.  Women empower other women by our mouths.
We need women who are builders not destroyers.  We need women who use their words to convict not condemn.  We need women who use their mouths for HIS glory and not their/our own. We need women who speak love and not lies.  We need women who use their mouths to uplift and not tear down.  We need women who speak words of faith and not fear.  We need women who use their mouths for righteousness and not ridicule. We need women speak FREEDOM!
 We need Women of Words: Powerful Words: Empowering Words

This my friends is what SISTERHOOD is all about!

Lovingly and Powerfully,


Psalm 19:14 

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.

Monday, April 4, 2016



Coming off of a fantastic Sunday and it was awesome.    The REASON - because I double dipped!

Before you go saying EW GROSS double dipping is nasty...let me tell you i didn't double dip my chips (although Im sure i have at some point).

I double dipped Church!   In the morning I went to my Home Church - a Church I have grown up in my whole entire life.  A Church where the Pastor and his wife are my Uncle and Aunt (pretty much).  A Church where I have learned about Jesus, people, and what it means to be a Jesus follower.  I have met all different kinds of people - people that we consider our Church family.  I have also met broken people, hurting people, lost people, and most importantly hopeful people.  These people are just like me and yet they have realized that we don't need a country club (although I do love a nice country club ;)) we need a Church - a place where we can all go to worship our Lord and Savior, meet with our fellow believers, STORM HEAVEN, and lift people heads.   I love this place and with every single season GOD HAS NEVER left and HE has always STAYED THE SAME.  This Church is my Church, its your Church, its OUR CHURCH, but most importantly its GODS CHURCH!

In the afternoon, we visited the Nursing Home, like we do once a month, and minister to the young men and women (elderly but I like to call them young because no matter how much older you get you are always young at heart)!   Its amazing what just singing one song to Jesus can do for these beautiful folks - some of them join in singing, some doze off, some might go to some other place in their mind, and even some begin to cry.   There is one woman Dolly and she said to me "Thank you for coming" and I thought Wow just four words can truly show what an impact something small can do - because the whole time we sang ministered and prayed Dolly had wide eyes and a smile on her face, and maybe even some tears.  She was taking it all in and makes me think wow even in her older age she hasn't become numb to people - people visiting, singing, and making a joyful noise to the Lord.  It is my hope and prayer that we all stay this wide eyed, big smile, and sensitive heart to our Savior and to people.

In the evening, I went to a Church in the city - NYC (one of my fav places).  I went with two special friends, one came with me for the second time and the other for the first.  They both loved it and i knew they would.  This is because this Church has become a second home to me.  I have gone there for several years now about once a month or more - pretty much when it started.  However I have kinda always stayed in the shadows and meet people here and there.
(I have grown up in ministry and serve at my home church- so sometimes its nice in the shadows)
However I couldn't stay in the shadows for long because i met so many amazing people and friends there - people that I have the strongest connection with.  We have gone on so many adventures and I have become a semi-pro at driving in NYC!  Praying Jesus and His angels always around those drives etc.    Just like most places that become a second home you go quite often and I have, and before you know it you start going in the fridge like its your own home.  I never actually served there and a couple weeks ago it was on my heart to and that same week I saw an event happening and called a friend about it - he said "Come out!"  I said "OK"  He then said "matter of fact Jul can you serve/volunteer?" and so I did.  It was awesome!  Im happy to give back to a place that means a lot to me.  With all that said I will keep seeking, learning, and trusting God in this journey and adventure but just here to tell you that sometimes its OK to DOUBLE DIP.  



PS - make sure you do dig your roots down deep in one place but NEVER EVER think that you can't go and see what GOD is doing in other places and even be apart of it.  Make sure though that you seek Godly counsel and wisdom and don't listen to naysayers and always always put JESUS FIRST!

Deuteronomy 4:29
But if from there you seek seek the LORD your GOD, you will find him if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

My First BLOG, My first LOVE


So here I am - Julie/Jules - here blogging - here sitting - here dreaming - here hoping - here waiting - here loving - here longing - here wondering - here trusting - here caring - here serving - here worshipping - here singing - here typing - here writing - here wanting - here smiling - HERE!

Yes I am here and you are there but we are all somewhere and I hope that in your somewhere you know Someone is always with you and that HE cares he loves your dreaming He is your hope and He sits with you in your waiting and your longing.  YES if you can't tell I'm a Jesus girl through and through.  I have been raised in a Christian home but that doesn't mean I am perfect and without SO MANY FLAWS and it sure doesn't make me a Christian.  However I have a lot to be thankful for and one thing is for sure that growing up in a Christian home introduced me to a Saviour that I could never live without.  SO how about you?  Have you grown up in a Christian home, non- Christian home, or maybe a Jewish home, or another faith?   I think that we all have something to be thankful for no matter what kind of home we grew up in.  I mean my home may be Christian and beautiful but its totally not  stainless.  I have the greatest family (in my opinion)  :)  , but come over any day and you will see that we all have flaws.  This, in my opinion, is what makes us great because it shows that Christian or non-Christian, we are all broken people in need of a Saviour.  

I say that I am a Jesus girl because I'm just someone who decided that since I need a Saviour, I want my heart to be his home, and although i knew him growing up, I have truly fallen in love with Him as I've gotten older.  He is truly a best friend, a guiding light, a lover, a forgiver, and the BEST!    

SO as you can see my first blog is all about my first LOVE (the man above)!  



P.S. would love to hear all about you and your story, I know this is only some of mine but I would like to continue blogging and share more!  So keep in touch!
I Corinthians 13