Monday, April 25, 2016


Happy Monday Friends!

So today I am at a very pretty little resort type place and just relaxing - its great because this place is only like an hour and a half to hour 45min away from home.    Sometimes its nice to get away for a night or two to recharge relax and refresh!   (Also this place is complimentary - meaning it has great deals and I get these deals with my Mom and her best friend/like my Aunt)!   So I like to come along for the fun and relaxation.  

SO I am just coming off of an awesome weekend filled with Church, birthday parties, and a YOUTH LOCK IN

I am on the Youth Leadership Team at my Church and I love working with young girls and guys...they are JUST AWESOME (some people might shake their heads at that lol) - but I truly believe that they are - its an age that I remember can be crazy at times and its when you really need to be directed toward good things and most importantly godly things.  A place where you need to learn how to turn the light on and walk in the light, which was actually the theme of the LOCK IN!   To get to serve and hang out with these amazing YOUTHS is so fun and actually motivating - to dig in deeper with our GOD and learn more of who HE IS!

OK... SO before I have to close the computer and go to dinner I wanted to talk to you about daydreaming because today I was doing a lot of it --- I daydream a lot about my future hubby!
I am excited for him and I hope that he is doing so amazing right now.  I know that GOD is taking care of him and I and all of our loves and everything in between.   While I daydream i love looking at couples and being like "Oh i hope we are like that" or "Aw I want a man like that"  or "I hope I remember to look HOT for him when we are crazy busy with kids/family and running around"

I know there are so many other girlies out there that think similar things if not the same.  However these things are great because daydreaming is great it keeps the fire burning and our passion growing and glowing.  We need to always do it more and more.   While daydreaming today I saw the sweetest older couple sitting at the pool with their fashionable attire, both wearing cool reading glasses, both with an iPad and iPhone and books (yes books exist thank you JESUS), and the best thing I noticed was that every so often they would go in and out of conversation.  I was like wow they don't just sit there in quiet the whole time.  At different points they would be quiet and do their thing, but it seemed like every other time I looked over they were chatting away like BEST FRIENDS!  I LOVE THAT!
 I thought this is what makes relationships work and keeps them up:  COMMUNICATION and CONSTANT COMMUNICATION or CONSISTENT COMMUNICATION

So lets all chew on that and daydream about these amazing kinds of things and always be in constant communication with our Saviour because he is the ultimate dream maker / dream giver!



PS  let me know what you daydream about and also what do you think about that helps relationships?

Psalm 19:14

Monday, April 11, 2016


So I had just wrote a whole blog and then deleted it somehow!  AHHHHHHH

Well here is what it was in some way I will try to rewrite it.

GIRLS...If you can't tell by now by my blogs or by my PINK background I am a GIRL!
I love being a girl and totally embrace it (well not always).  There are times when I am like urgh this whole monthly thing is CRAZY.  I mean come on can i get an AMEN.
However that is how the good Lord made us and we will embrace it even more.

So today I am thinking about "being a girl" and SISTERHOOD.    I mean MEN are AMAZING, but women are just as INCREDIBLE.   The feminine heart is so rare, so pure, so beautiful.  I have grown up looking up to AWESOME WOMEN (Gloria Copeland, Joyce Meyer, Beth Moore, Bobbie Houston, Priscilla Shirer, Pastors Wife, My Mom, My Sister, etc).   I have a big heart for younger women, yet it is older women that also inspire me.

When a woman opens her mouth, power can come out.  A woman's words are so powerful it can either destroy or uplift.  It goes all the way back to the beginning of scripture with Eve.  It was Eve that was tempted by the enemy and it was Eve that opened her mouth and took a bite of the apple and it was also Eve that opened her mouth and spoke to her husband concerning the matter.  I am the kind of girl that feels bad for Eve because I am sure that Eve was a great woman.  However even Great women can become deceived, torn, and say the wrong things.  Women have the capability to build a mountain or the capability to destroy that very same mountain.  Either way girls there is so much power in our words.  This is why we must bring our hearts, minds, and MOUTHS before the Lord before we go to others and before we speak.

I have seen this firsthand when I have watched great women use their words in the wrong way and also great women use their words in the RIGHT way.  Women empower other women by our mouths.
We need women who are builders not destroyers.  We need women who use their words to convict not condemn.  We need women who use their mouths for HIS glory and not their/our own. We need women who speak love and not lies.  We need women who use their mouths to uplift and not tear down.  We need women who speak words of faith and not fear.  We need women who use their mouths for righteousness and not ridicule. We need women speak FREEDOM!
 We need Women of Words: Powerful Words: Empowering Words

This my friends is what SISTERHOOD is all about!

Lovingly and Powerfully,


Psalm 19:14 

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.

Monday, April 4, 2016



Coming off of a fantastic Sunday and it was awesome.    The REASON - because I double dipped!

Before you go saying EW GROSS double dipping is nasty...let me tell you i didn't double dip my chips (although Im sure i have at some point).

I double dipped Church!   In the morning I went to my Home Church - a Church I have grown up in my whole entire life.  A Church where the Pastor and his wife are my Uncle and Aunt (pretty much).  A Church where I have learned about Jesus, people, and what it means to be a Jesus follower.  I have met all different kinds of people - people that we consider our Church family.  I have also met broken people, hurting people, lost people, and most importantly hopeful people.  These people are just like me and yet they have realized that we don't need a country club (although I do love a nice country club ;)) we need a Church - a place where we can all go to worship our Lord and Savior, meet with our fellow believers, STORM HEAVEN, and lift people heads.   I love this place and with every single season GOD HAS NEVER left and HE has always STAYED THE SAME.  This Church is my Church, its your Church, its OUR CHURCH, but most importantly its GODS CHURCH!

In the afternoon, we visited the Nursing Home, like we do once a month, and minister to the young men and women (elderly but I like to call them young because no matter how much older you get you are always young at heart)!   Its amazing what just singing one song to Jesus can do for these beautiful folks - some of them join in singing, some doze off, some might go to some other place in their mind, and even some begin to cry.   There is one woman Dolly and she said to me "Thank you for coming" and I thought Wow just four words can truly show what an impact something small can do - because the whole time we sang ministered and prayed Dolly had wide eyes and a smile on her face, and maybe even some tears.  She was taking it all in and makes me think wow even in her older age she hasn't become numb to people - people visiting, singing, and making a joyful noise to the Lord.  It is my hope and prayer that we all stay this wide eyed, big smile, and sensitive heart to our Savior and to people.

In the evening, I went to a Church in the city - NYC (one of my fav places).  I went with two special friends, one came with me for the second time and the other for the first.  They both loved it and i knew they would.  This is because this Church has become a second home to me.  I have gone there for several years now about once a month or more - pretty much when it started.  However I have kinda always stayed in the shadows and meet people here and there.
(I have grown up in ministry and serve at my home church- so sometimes its nice in the shadows)
However I couldn't stay in the shadows for long because i met so many amazing people and friends there - people that I have the strongest connection with.  We have gone on so many adventures and I have become a semi-pro at driving in NYC!  Praying Jesus and His angels always around those drives etc.    Just like most places that become a second home you go quite often and I have, and before you know it you start going in the fridge like its your own home.  I never actually served there and a couple weeks ago it was on my heart to and that same week I saw an event happening and called a friend about it - he said "Come out!"  I said "OK"  He then said "matter of fact Jul can you serve/volunteer?" and so I did.  It was awesome!  Im happy to give back to a place that means a lot to me.  With all that said I will keep seeking, learning, and trusting God in this journey and adventure but just here to tell you that sometimes its OK to DOUBLE DIP.  



PS - make sure you do dig your roots down deep in one place but NEVER EVER think that you can't go and see what GOD is doing in other places and even be apart of it.  Make sure though that you seek Godly counsel and wisdom and don't listen to naysayers and always always put JESUS FIRST!

Deuteronomy 4:29
But if from there you seek seek the LORD your GOD, you will find him if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

My First BLOG, My first LOVE


So here I am - Julie/Jules - here blogging - here sitting - here dreaming - here hoping - here waiting - here loving - here longing - here wondering - here trusting - here caring - here serving - here worshipping - here singing - here typing - here writing - here wanting - here smiling - HERE!

Yes I am here and you are there but we are all somewhere and I hope that in your somewhere you know Someone is always with you and that HE cares he loves your dreaming He is your hope and He sits with you in your waiting and your longing.  YES if you can't tell I'm a Jesus girl through and through.  I have been raised in a Christian home but that doesn't mean I am perfect and without SO MANY FLAWS and it sure doesn't make me a Christian.  However I have a lot to be thankful for and one thing is for sure that growing up in a Christian home introduced me to a Saviour that I could never live without.  SO how about you?  Have you grown up in a Christian home, non- Christian home, or maybe a Jewish home, or another faith?   I think that we all have something to be thankful for no matter what kind of home we grew up in.  I mean my home may be Christian and beautiful but its totally not  stainless.  I have the greatest family (in my opinion)  :)  , but come over any day and you will see that we all have flaws.  This, in my opinion, is what makes us great because it shows that Christian or non-Christian, we are all broken people in need of a Saviour.  

I say that I am a Jesus girl because I'm just someone who decided that since I need a Saviour, I want my heart to be his home, and although i knew him growing up, I have truly fallen in love with Him as I've gotten older.  He is truly a best friend, a guiding light, a lover, a forgiver, and the BEST!    

SO as you can see my first blog is all about my first LOVE (the man above)!  



P.S. would love to hear all about you and your story, I know this is only some of mine but I would like to continue blogging and share more!  So keep in touch!
I Corinthians 13