Thursday, June 9, 2016

Believing IS SEEING

Aloha bloggers!

(No I'm not in Hawaii, but the weather is getting nice so i felt like saying something tropical!)

Wow I have not blogged in a little bit.  I get busy sometimes.  Anyways always so much that the Lord is doing around all of us.   I am always captivated by HIM.  

I could try and think of something that was on my mind/heart a few weeks ago, but I will share what is on it right now.  
I am sitting in Starbucks right now (as I usually am) and this gentlemen walked in, he was shorter and has a limp and he caught my eye. He was talking to the Barista and I listened in -  He was saying he has been in this town for a couple years now and saying how he comes here.  He then was saying they have the best water - so transparent/Crystal clear (or something like that).  I then watched him walk out with a Venti ice water.     Automatically my mind starts going other places and I start to feel for him thinking "I wonder if he doesn't have enough money to get a coffee or some kind of fancy frappucino," and how I could have bought that for him.  I then tear up and actually start crying.  The man across at another table must be like "it must be this girls time of the month."   I start to tear up because my heart feels for this man that has this visible handicap.   Then I go back to my quiet time and start to think of how we are all handicap.  Should I only look at this gentlemen with compassion because his handicap is visible or should I look at everyone for maybe the handicaps that are hidden.   Is it not beautiful that our loving LORD sees all of these handicaps and yet loves us as if there were none.  Isn't it also wonderful that GOD can use our handicaps for HIS GLORY.   

You know that saying "Seeing is Believing," well I also like to say "Believing is Seeing" - because I believe that the more we place our faith and belief in GOD HE opens our eyes to see like HIM and have compassion like HIM.   In our everyday business GOD sees us - he sees the struggle, the hustle, the hurt, the worry, the longing, and even the love. HE is the GOD WHO SEES as it is written in Genesis 16:13.  If GOD can SEE us then how much will HE love to show us HIMSELF in his WORD and in the brokenness of other people.  He even shows us Himself in creation.  Scripture says 

“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.” (Psalm 19:1-4)

“Praise the Lord from the earth, you great sea creatures and all ocean depths, lightning and hail, snow and clouds, stormy winds that do his bidding, you mountains and all hills, fruit trees and all cedars, wild animals and all cattle, small creatures and flying birds.” (Psalm 148:7-10)
“You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.” (Isaiah 55:12)
One amazing place to SEE GOD is at the OCEAN.  Its incredible to sit and listen to the waves and wonder of GODS beauty and awe as HE moves the SEA.

Have a BEAUTIFUL day and don't forget to look for GOD wherever you go

PS. Not only is HE the GOD who SEES,  HE is the GOD who heals, delivers, restores, forgives, rescues, redeems, refreshes, reproves, and revives. Lyrics from Christy Knockels Song "You revive me" say, "Give me eyes to see you in the dark, and Your face shines a glory, that I only know in part"
With all of our seeing - we see in part - because our GOD is mysterious yet HE can always be SEEN!