Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Crossroads of Decisions

Hey friends!

Have you ever been at a crossroads, like which way should I go or which decision should I make?    Recently a lot of us were at that crossroads when voting for the next President.   Also at the same time, on a more so personal level our home church is going through a similar vote in who should be our next Pastor.

I talk about these two different situations because both are so important and leadership is so very important.  Another thing that is important is decision-making.  This is the fact that before the next leader can make any decisions or even be leader, the people are the ones making the decision to make him/her leader.  Is that not ironic or interesting to you?   Its so interesting to me and also amazing that we "the people" or "the Church" hold that power to make someone the next leader.   Its also very humbling.  Also a bit scary if I might say so.  However, I believe that we need to step up and into our role and be good stewards by praying, fasting, and voting.  I believe that we need to trust and rely on GOD first and foremost and then begin to pray and learn of the qualities and characteristics truly needed in the role we are voting for.

What do you all think?    How have any of you made some important decisions and who did you talk to or how did you decide?

Another important aspect to think of is seeking Godly counsel and advice.  I truly believe to listen to all sides and also seek wisdom and those who have possibly been in your shoes.
Its important to not just make whim decisions but to pray, seek GOD, seek wisdom, and believe that GOD will show you the way to go!



PS  Some great Scriptures to help in this area are:
Proverbs 2:6
Philippians 4:8
Proverbs 3:5-6
Proverbs 11:30